Results for 'Regina Célia Linhares Hostins'

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  1.  29
    O conceito de trabalho em Lukács: implicações no campo da política educacional.Olívia Rochadel, Regina Célia Linhares Hostins & Alessandra Giacomett Melo - 2019 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 24.
    O artigo é um ensaio teórico com o propósito de discutir as implicações do conceito de trabalho, na perspectiva do filósofo húngaro György Lukács, no campo da política educacional. Em tempos em que a educação brasileira se distancia de um projeto de emancipação do indivíduo, dadas as configurações que vem assumindo as políticas educacionais nos últimos anos, particularmente as políticas curriculares para o ensino médio, parece apropriada a análise do trabalho em sua matriz ontológica, estabelecendo uma estreita correlação entre subjetividade (...)
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    Universidade Contempor'nea.Lucas Josias Marin & Regina Célia Linhares Hostins - 2022 - Educação E Filosofia 36 (77):1005-1036.
    A negação por conceitos sólidos, flexibilidade, neotribalismos e nomadismo são aspectos que influenciam na formação dos sujeitos e das instituições em tempos líquido-modernos. Os sujeitos são estimulados a buscar constantemente o novo e isso impacta na formação de vínculos. Como decorrência da tendência de isolamento social e a demanda pela formação identitária, os indivíduos criaram mecanismos para suprir as necessidades de pertencimento. Um destes mecanismos são as neotribos, agrupamentos de indivíduos, em grande medida jovens, que se reúnem a partir de (...)
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    Rodolfo Mondolfo e o início da filosofia grega.Regina Célia Bicalho Prates E. Silva - 1981 - Trans/Form/Ação 4:51-60.
    The present article intends to call the attention to the role played by Rodolfo Mondolfo, with his theory of the early greek philosophy's dependence in relation with an earlier reflexion about man and social life, in the "turning " that restored the beginning of phylosophy in to history.O presente artigo pretende chamar a atenção para o papel representado por Rodolfo Mondolfo, com sua teoria da dependência da primeira filosofia grega em relação a uma reflexão anterior sobre o homem e a (...)
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    A Extrafiscalidade Como Instrumento Regulatório Ambiental e a Função Social da Empresa.Regina Célia de Carvalho Martins & Walkíria Martinez Heinrich Ferrer - 2018 - Revista Brasileira de Filosofia do Direito 4 (1):282-299.
    Este estudo se dispõe a reflexão sobre a relação entre o Direito Tributário e a proteção ambiental, pela análise das normas regulatórias tributárias, atuando como agente desestimulador de condutas degradantes ao meio ambiente. Normas tributárias podem ser utilizadas como instrumentos estimuladores do desenvolvimento sustentável e desestimuladores de condutas degradantes ambientais. A Constituição Federal estabeleceu as premissas do desenvolvimento econômico. A empresa deve atender a critérios, como desenvolver-se promovendo redução de desigualdades sociais, atendendo às relações de consumo e preservação ambiental. Neste (...)
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    Legislações e políticas de saúde na redução de vulnerabilidades e uso de drogas: Desafios a vencer.Luciano Aparecido Pereira Junior & Regina Célia de Souza Beretta - 2020 - Aletheia 53 (2).
    O uso de drogas é complexo e multicausal com impactos para as pessoas, famílias e sociedade. Este estudo investigou legislações, políticas públicas e estratégias, que possam diminuir vulnerabilidades e contribuir para os ODS. Foi realizado levantamento documental, em legislações e documentos, para análise da realidade social, a partir das experiências profissionais, e ainda levantamento bibliográfico, na BVS e LILACS, de 2016 a 2018. Observou-se que o Estado se mantém disciplinador e entre as políticas mais relevantes estão a Redução de Danos, (...)
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  6. Therapeutic itinerary of transsexual people in light of human rights.Larissa Luise Ferreira Florêncio, Karla Romana de Souza, Elizandra Cassia da Silva Oliveira, Juliana da Rocha Cabral, Felicialle Pereira da Silva, Raphael Alves da Silva, Iracema da Silva Frazão, Regina Célia de Oliveira & Fátima Maria da Silva Abrão - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (5):704-713.
    Background: The therapeutic itinerary is not limited to the identification and availability of health services offered, but relates to the different individual searches and sociocultural and economic possibilities of each patient. In this study, we discuss the therapeutic itinerary of transsexual people seeking healthcare, from the user’s perspective. Objective: The aim of this study was to discuss the therapeutic itinerary of transsexual people seeking healthcare, from the user’s perspective. Design and participants: Individual interviews were performed with 10 transsexuals at the (...)
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  7. Escola e mediação literária // School and mediation in literature.Célia Regina Delácio Fernandes & Maísa Barbosa da Silva Cordeiro - forthcoming - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação.
    É reconhecida, contemporaneamente, a capacidade da literatura na formação de sujeitos críticos e participantes socialmente. Sendo assim, tão logo a escola passou a ser popularizada, a literatura teve, também, ampla divulgação nesse espaço. No entanto, apesar dessa relação ter sido iniciada por volta de cinquenta anos, cada vez mais, constata-se a dificuldade da escola na formação de leitores literários. Em vista disso , é objetivo deste artigo problematizar questões pertinentes ao trabalho com a literatura em dois espaços fundamentais para melhorar (...)
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    Le second tour des élections brésiliennes de 1989 : stratégies discursives des candidats.Célia Regina Jardim Pinto - 1991 - Hermes 8:47.
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  9. Formação inicial de professores para a educação básica no brasil.Helena Machado de Paula Albuquerque, Celia Maria Haas & Regina Magna Bonifácio Araujo - 2011 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 13 (2):p - 251.
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    A mediação implícita e explícita da informação e a sua relação antropológica sob um viés fenomenológico.Wallace Bertoli Moreira, Meri Nádia Marques Gerlin & Gleice Pereira - 2024 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 11:e-7374.
    Este artigo objetiva compreender a essência antropológica dos conceitos de mediação implícita e explícita, principalmente, com base nas pesquisas de Oswaldo Francisco Almeida Júnior sob um viés fenomenológico. Trata-se de uma pesquisa teórica e bibliográfica de caráter exploratório-descritivo, com uma abordagem qualitativa e procedimento metodológico baseado na construção do conhecimento científico produzido por Telma Cristiane Sasso de Lima e Regina Célia Tamaso Mioto que consubstanciam três fases de análise da pesquisa: investigação das soluções, análise explicativa e síntese integradora, (...)
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    Inventive life: approaches to the new vitalism.Mariam Fraser, Sarah Kember & Celia Lury (eds.) - 2006 - Thousand Oaks, Calif.: SAGE.
    This book demonstrates how and why vitalism—the idea that life cannot be explained by the principles of mechanism—matters now. Vitalism resists closure and reductionism in the life sciences while simultaneously addressing the object of life itself. The aim of this collection is to consider the questions that vitalism makes it possible to ask: questions about the role and status of life across the sciences, social sciences, and humanities and questions about contingency, indeterminacy, relationality and change. All have special importance now, (...)
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    Onde está a literatura?: seus espaços, seus leitores, seus textos, suas leituras / Celia Abicalil Belmiro, Francisca Izabel Pereira Maciel, Mônica Correia Baptista, Aracy Alves Martins, organizadoras.Celia Abicalil Belmiro, Francisca Maciel, Mônica Correia Baptista & Aracy Alves Martins (eds.) - 2014 - Belo Horizonte: Editora UFMG.
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  13. Comparative Religious Ethics: A Narrative Approach.Darrell J. Fasching, Dell de Chant, Jacob Neusner, Sumner Twiss, Bruce Grelle & Regina Wentzel Wolfe - 2002 - Journal of Religious Ethics 30 (2):295-312.
    Though others have surveyed the different methods in comparative religious ethics, relatively little attention has been given to different approaches to pedagogy. The field of comparative religious ethics has now reached a level of maturity so that there are a variety of ways such courses can be taught. In this review I consider the approaches to comparative religious ethics found in four recent texts by Jacob Neusner, Darrell Fasching and Dell deChant, Regina Wolfe and Christine Gudorf, and Sumner Twiss (...)
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    Computer-based instruction for improving student nurses' general numeracy: is it effective? Two randomised trials.Hannah Ainsworth, Mollie Gilchrist, Celia Grant, Catherine Hewitt, Sue Ford, Moira Petrie, Carole J. Torgerson & David J. Torgerson - 2012 - Educational Studies 38 (2):151-163.
    In response to concern over the numeracy skills deficit displayed by student nurses, an online computer programme, ?Authentic World??, which aims to simulate a real-life clinical environment and improve the medication dosage calculation skills of users, was developed (Founded in 2004 Authentic World Ltd is a spin out company of Glarmorgan and Cardiff Universities, Cardiff, Wales UK.). Two randomised controlled trials were conducted, each at a UK University, in order to investigate the impact of Authentic World? on student nurses? general (...)
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    Identidad cultural en internet: la difusión del Instituto Cervantes y sus homólogos europeos.Andrés Antolino Ibáñez & Celia Chaín Navarro - 2013 - Arbor 189 (760):a023.
    Con objeto de averiguar la eficacia de la difusión de la identidad cultural a través de la Red, se realiza una evaluación de los recursos electrónicos más significativos de distintos países europeos para la promoción y la enseñanza de su idioma y la difusión de su cultura en Internet. Las sedes estudiadas son las webs del Instituto Cervantes, British Council, Società Dante Alighieri, Instituto Camões y Goethe-Institut. El Instituto Cervantes es el mejor situado y el que más indicadores y parámetros (...)
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    Hormonal theory: a rebellious glossary.Andrea Ford, Roslyn Malcolm, Sonja Erikainen, Lisa Raeder & Celia Roberts (eds.) - 2024 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic, Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
    From angiotensin to cortisol, testosterone to xenoestrogens, and dopamine to endocrine disruptors, hormones are everywhere. These chemical entities are foundational to biological life and shape social, cultural, and political forces, while simultaneously being shaped by them. Hormones are increasingly central not only to medical and other body-shaping practices and contemporary science, but also environmentally-oriented conversations. Throughout Hormonal Theory, authors trace how biomedical, social, political, and experiential forces entangle to produce hormones as we know them today. It illuminates how hormones emerge (...)
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    Der Fall Havemann: Auf den Spuren einer Rechtsbeugung.Stefan Kirsch, Jürgen Pauly, Wolfgang Köberer & Regina Michalke - 2008 - In Stefan Kirsch, Jürgen Pauly, Wolfgang Köberer & Regina Michalke, Festschrift Für Rainer Hamm Zum 65. Geburtstag Am 24. Februar 2008. De Gruyter Recht.
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    Der sog. „erweiterte Suizid“ – ein problematischer Begriff?Stefan Kirsch, Jürgen Pauly, Wolfgang Köberer & Regina Michalke - 2008 - In Stefan Kirsch, Jürgen Pauly, Wolfgang Köberer & Regina Michalke, Festschrift Für Rainer Hamm Zum 65. Geburtstag Am 24. Februar 2008. De Gruyter Recht.
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    Zum Akteneinsichtsrecht Privater nach § 475 StPO.Stefan Kirsch, Jürgen Pauly, Wolfgang Köberer & Regina Michalke - 2008 - In Stefan Kirsch, Jürgen Pauly, Wolfgang Köberer & Regina Michalke, Festschrift Für Rainer Hamm Zum 65. Geburtstag Am 24. Februar 2008. De Gruyter Recht.
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    Peers and teachers as the best source of social support for school engagement for both advantaged and priority education area students.Delphine Martinot, Alyson Sicard, Birsen Gul, Sonya Yakimova, Anne Taillandier-Schmitt & Célia Maintenant - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Promoting student’s school engagement is a major goal in our society. The literature has shown that students’ proximal sources of social support can play a fundamental role in facilitating this engagement. The purpose of this study was to compare perceived support from four sources as a function of two different middle-school student backgrounds, a priority education area and a privileged area; and to examine the contribution of these main sources of social support, either directly or indirectly to school engagement; and (...)
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    The Goal Scale: A New Instrument to Measure the Perceived Exertion in Soccer (Indoor, Field, and Beach) Players.Luis Felipe Tubagi Polito, Marcelo Luis Marquezi, Douglas Popp Marin, Marcelo Villas Boas Junior & Maria Regina Ferreira Brandão - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The rating of perceived exertion can be used to monitor the exercise intensity during laboratory and specific tests, training sessions, and to estimate the internal training load of the athletes. The aim of the present study was to develop and validate a specific pictorial perceived exertion scale for soccer players called GOAL Scale. The pictorial GOAL Scale was validated for twenty under-17 soccer players. In the validation phase, the athletes were evaluated in a progressive protocol involving stimuluses of 3 min (...)
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    Diferenciações e indiferenciações nas formações identitárias: ambigüidades discursivas nos estudos contemporâneos; Discoursive ambiguity of identity formations: towards a critical view.Marco Aurélio M. Prado & Telma Regina de Paula Souza - 2001 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 13:97-109.
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    Соціодинаміка глобалізованого світу в її цивілізованому вимірі.O. P. Punchenko, V. H. Voronkova & Regina Andriukaitiene - 2018 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 74:48-60.
    The relevance of the research topic is that various approaches are analyzed on the essence of globalization, which is represented as an objective, qualitatively new process of internationalization and integration of all fields of activity of the modern civilizational structure. Analysis of the literature. The works of A. Appadarui, Z. Bauman, U. Beck, Z. Bzezhinski, F. Braudel, I. Wallerstein, E. Giddens, P. Drucker, M. Castells, T. Levitt, I. Tirikyan, K. Waite, F. Fernandez-Armestro, S. Huntington. In the post-Soviet space, the ideas (...)
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    An active symbols theory of chess intuition.Alexandre Linhares - 2005 - Minds and Machines 15 (2):131-181.
    The well-known game of chess has traditionally been modeled in artificial intelligence studies by search engines with advanced pruning techniques. The models were thus centered on an inference engine manipulating passive symbols in the form of tokens. It is beyond doubt, however, that human players do not carry out such processes. Instead, chess masters instead carry out perceptual processes, carefully categorizing the chunks perceived in a position and gradually building complex dynamic structures to represent the subtle pressures embedded in the (...)
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  25.  13
    Directives and intentions.Danilo Linhares - 2025 - Natural Language Semantics.
    Imperative sentences admit of many different uses, from imposing obligations to answering questions, granting permissions, and giving advice. Some declarative sentences, such as statements about what one should do or about what the speaker wants one to do, can also serve similar purposes. These utterances all share a single discourse role. They work as directives, whose defining effect, I argue here, is to propose that their addressee publicly commit to performing an action. Understanding directives this way can help explain four (...)
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    A glimpse at the metaphysics of Bongard problems.Alexandre Linhares - 2000 - Artificial Intelligence 121 (1-2):251-270.
  27.  66
    Systematic reviews showed insufficient evidence for clinical practice in 2004: what about in 2011? The next appeal for the evidence‐based medicine age. [REVIEW]Paulo José Fortes Villas Boas, Regina Stella Spagnuolo, Amélia Kamegasawa, Leandro Gobbo Braz, Adriana Polachini do Valle, Eliane Chaves Jorge, Hugo Hyung Bok Yoo, Antônio José Maria Cataneo, Ione Corrêa, Fernanda Bono Fukushima, Paulo do Nascimento, Norma Sueli Pinheiro Módolo, Marise Silva Teixeira, Edison Iglesias de Oliveira Vidal, Solange Ramires Daher & Regina El Dib - 2013 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 19 (4):633-637.
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    Lucid Dreaming: The Paradox of Consciousness During Sleep.Celia and McCreery Green - 1994 - Routledge.
    Lucid dreams are dreams in which a person becomes aware that they are dreaming. They are different from ordinary dreams, not just because of the dreamer's awareness that they are dreaming, but because lucid dreams are often strikingly realistic and may be emotionally charged to the point of elation. Celia Green and Charles McCreery have written a unique introduction to lucid dreams that will appeal to the specialist and general reader alike. The authors explore the experience of lucid dreaming, relate (...)
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    Changing Our Minds: Lesbian Feminism and Psychology.Celia Kitzinger & Rachel Perkins - 1993 - Only Women Press.
    Is feminism compatible with psychology or therapy? This text suggests alternatives to the dangers offered by the many practitioners of psychology. The authors offer in-depth information on traditional theories alongside an encyclopaedic knowledge of therapy praxis on both sides of the Atlantic.
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    Withdrawing artificial nutrition and hydration from minimally conscious and vegetative patients: family perspectives.Celia Kitzinger & Jenny Kitzinger - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (2):157-160.
  31. O despertar do sonho dogmático.Orlando Bruno Linhares - 2005 - Trans/Form/Ação 28 (2):53-81.
    : Neste artigo argumento contra a interpretação muito difundida segundo a qual o ano de 1769 representou um marco na formação da filosofia transcendental e a Dissertação de 1770 corresponde ao primeiro texto crítico. O objetivo deste artigo é investigar a origem das antinomias nas Reflexões da década de 1770. Não se trata de esboçá-las, pois sobre elas Kant é reticente nesse período. Elas são objeto da atenção dele somente às vésperas da redação da Crítica da razão pura. Eu me (...)
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    “Colunas Infinitas” de Daniel Lima e as Poéticas dos Entre-lugares.Celia Maria Antonacci - 2022 - Resistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History 3 (5):e21081.
    A partir da obra fotográfica “Colunas Infinitas”, do artista e ativista Daniel Lima, este artigo percebe o conceito de ‘entreligar’ de Homi Bhabha em diálogo com as teorias de cultura contemporânea de Stuart Hall, em contraponto à dissonância dos encontros culturais e artísticos desde nada menos que a ‘Semana de 22’ e sua celebração da arte brasileira restrita aos modernistas europeizados, mas que perdura aos dias de hoje, quer seja na ausência de outras manifestações estéticas nos currículos de arte contemporânea, (...)
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    Guest editorial.Celia B. Fisher - 1994 - Ethics and Behavior 4 (2):85.
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    Geneticists and Sex Selection.Celia L. Kaye & John Puma - 1990 - Hastings Center Report 20 (4):40-41.
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    Justiça como virtude E Bem-estar: Uma abordagem a partir da teoria de Alasdair Macintyre.João Caetano Linhares - 2013 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 4 (8):46-51.
    O presente artigo tem o objetivo de fornecer um rápido esboço do atual estado do debate em torno do conceito de justiça. Hoje não dispomos de um conceito único compartilhado do que significa justiça e isto devido ao fato das sociedades atuais serem pluralistas, tal fato gerou uma separação entre as esferas morais e políticas e consequentemente o termo justo tem hoje dois aspectos distintos, um moral e outro político.: Nowadays we do not have a shared unitary concept of means (...)
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    The Limits of Law: Introducing a Rarely Frequented Topos.José Manuel Aroso Linhares, Ana Margarida Simões Gaudêncio & Inês Fernandes Godinho - 2021 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 35 (1):3-11.
    This introductory chapter integrates two different steps: a global consideration of the problems which the “signifier” limits is able to include and a detailed mapping of the reflective path which the following thirteen chapters effectively pursue.
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  37. We Remember, We Forget: Collaborative Remembering in Older Couples.Celia B. Harris, Paul Keil, John Sutton, Amanda Barnier & Doris McIlwain - 2011 - Discourse Processes 48 (4):267-303.
    Transactive memory theory describes the processes by which benefits for memory can occur when remembering is shared in dyads or groups. In contrast, cognitive psychology experiments demonstrate that social influences on memory disrupt and inhibit individual recall. However, most research in cognitive psychology has focused on groups of strangers recalling relatively meaningless stimuli. In the current study, we examined social influences on memory in groups with a shared history, who were recalling a range of stimuli, from word lists to personal, (...)
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    A goodness-of-fit ethic for child assent to nonbeneficial research.Celia B. Fisher - 2003 - American Journal of Bioethics 3 (4):27 – 28.
  39. Fake News and Partisan Epistemology.Regina Rini - 2017 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 27 (S2):43-64.
    Did you know that Hillary Clinton sold weapons to ISIS? Or that Mike Pence called Michelle Obama “the most vulgar First Lady we’ve ever had”? No, you didn’t know these things. You couldn’t know them, because these claims are false.1 But many American voters believed them.One of the most distinctive features of the 2016 campaign was the rise of “fake news,” factually false claims circulated on social media, usually via channels of partisan camaraderie. Media analysts and social scientists are still (...)
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    Zur Immunisierung tatrichterlicher Urteile gegen verfahrensrechtlich begründete Revisionen: Zum Vorlagebeschluß des 1. Strafsenats des Bundesgerichtshofs vom 23.8.2006 – 1 StR 466/05 und zum Urteil des 3. Strafsenats vom 11.8.2006 – 3 StR 284/05. [REVIEW]Stefan Kirsch, Jürgen Pauly, Wolfgang Köberer & Regina Michalke - 2008 - In Stefan Kirsch, Jürgen Pauly, Wolfgang Köberer & Regina Michalke, Festschrift Für Rainer Hamm Zum 65. Geburtstag Am 24. Februar 2008. De Gruyter Recht.
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    Court applications for withdrawal of artificial nutrition and hydration from patients in a permanent vegetative state: family experiences.Celia Kitzinger & Jenny Kitzinger - 2016 - Journal of Medical Ethics 42 (1):11-17.
    Withdrawal of artificially delivered nutrition and hydration (ANH) from patients in a permanent vegetative state (PVS) requires judicial approval in England and Wales, even when families and healthcare professionals agree that withdrawal is in the patient9s best interests. Part of the rationale underpinning the original recommendation for such court approval was the reassurance of patients’ families, but there has been no research as to whether or not family members are reassured by the requirement for court proceedings or how they experience (...)
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    Decoding the ethics code: a practical guide for psychologists.Celia B. Fisher - 2016 - Los Angeles: SAGE.
    Revised to reflect the current status of scientific and professional theory, practices, and debate across all facets of ethical decision making, this latest edition of Celia B. Fisher's acclaimed book demystifies the American Psychological Association's (APA) Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct. The Fifth Edition explains and puts into practical perspective the format, choice of wording, aspirational principles, and enforceability of the code. Providing in-depth discussions of the foundation and application of each ethical standard to the broad spectrum (...)
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    Putting ethics and economic rationality together: an Aristotelian and philosophical approach.Regina Maria da Cruz Queiroz - 2014 - Business Ethics: A European Review 24 (3):332-346.
    The gap between economic rationality, as embedded in utility maximization, and ethical rationality, identified with a set of rules that prescribe the right course of action, has been a challenging issue for economists, philosophers, and business ethicists. Despite the difference and the noncompetition between a scientific economic approach of economics and business ethics, and a behavioral and philosophical one, we highlight the importance of the Aristotelian concept of prudence or phronesis applied to business activity. Phronesis allows for a conceptualization of (...)
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  44. Collaborative Remembering: When Can Remembering With Others Be Beneficial?Celia B. Harris, John Sutton, Paul Keil & Amanda Barnier - unknown
    Experimental memory research has traditionally focused on the individual, and viewed social influence as a source of error or inhibition. However, in everyday life, remembering is often a social activity, and theories from philosophy and psychology predict benefits of shared remembering. In a series of studies, both experimental and more qualitative, we attempted to bridge this gap by examining the effects of collaboration on memory in a variety of situations and in a variety of groups. We discuss our results in (...)
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    The Way of the Mystic: The Sanjuanist stages of the spiritual path.Celia Kourie - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (4):1-11.
    A major conceptual dynamic in all major religious traditions is the need for purification and transformation of the individual in order to effect integration and maturation of the personality in the divine. Although the means by which this purification takes place differs according to the cultural and religious configurations of any given tradition, nevertheless a recurring image is that of an inner and outer odyssey. A major example is the threefold path of John of the Cross, which presents a psycho-spiritual (...)
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    Die „Neue Rechte" in Frankreich – nur eine „neue Denkschule"?Regina Benjowski - 1986 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 34 (10):904.
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    Relação entre educação, cultura e vida para o professor Nietzsche.Célia Machado Benvenho - 2022 - Cadernos Nietzsche 43 (3):123-144.
    Nietzsche's reflections on German education and culture of his time arise in the context in which he, as a teacher, is directly involved with these issues. They can be found especially in two works from this period: nas Anti-Education: On the Future of Our Educational Institutions, de 1872, e na Schopenhauer as Educator, de 1874. In these texts, we are interested in identifying the criticisms that Nietzsche makes to the education of his time and to analyze his “educational proposal” in (...)
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    Où sont les freins à l’emploi?Célia Bouchet - 2021 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 15-4 (15-4):282-304.
    The under-representation of persons with disabilities in employment is documented. However, the restrictions for persons with disabilities to accessing paid work are not well known in their variations by type of impairment. Moreover, they are likely to be confused with job exits because of work-related impairments. Using the 2011 Employment Survey and its ad hoc module, this article identifies factors and processes contributing to inactivity, unemployment, or their co-presence, for people aged 15-64 living in households in metropolitan France and having (...)
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  49. Behavioral expectations for the mommy librarian : the successful reference transaction as emotional labor.Celia Emmelhainz, Erin Pappas & Maura Seale - 2017 - In Maria T. Accardi, The feminist reference desk: concepts, critiques, and conversations. Sacramento, California: Library Juice Press.
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    Encountering the Trauma of the Holocaust: Dialogue and Its Dicontents in the Broszat‐Friedlander Exchanges of Letters.Regina M. Feldman - 2000 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 28 (4):551-574.
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